Who is the Holy Spirit?

I was sitting in my study meditating on the person of the Holy Spirit when suddenly His presence flooded the room. He spoke to me in these very direct and intense words!

I am the Holy Spirit.  I am the energy, the facilitator, the builder of worlds that are launched by divine utterance.  I obey the “let there be” command from the Father, from the Son, and from you.  I am the builder of worlds, both visibly expansive and unseen.  I turn words into worlds.

I am the muscle of the angelic host. I am the great Convictor, Convincer, and Comforter.  I am the guide and mapmaker for destinies.  I am the delivery power and the installer of shalom and every other facet of the Father and Son into the human heart.

Practice my presence in worship, in the Word, and with each other.  Hop aboard my abilities; I have qualified you to partake of the fullness of my Blessing.  For you to abandon the confines of your self-imposed limitations and to embrace My limitless power IS the pathway to divine supply and everlasting joy.

-Len Mink 05/17/2019

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