FREE IN THE NAME “Deuteronomy 28”

I love to blog about Len’s anointed worship CDs because so much prayer, planning, work, and believing for provision went into every one of them.  This one, FREE IN THE NAME, is a very special CD.  It was recorded several years back, yet we constantly get requests for it because of the very popular song, “Deuteronomy 28!”
Len sang this song at many of the Kenneth Hagin Campmeetings and Kenneth Copeland Believers Conventions.  It always brought down the house!  It has a Beach Boys groove to it because it was written by our dear brother, Mike Deasy, who played with their group. When Mike was born again, he put the truth of the Blessing of Abraham into that musical sound. Everybody loves it and sings along with it—singing the truth of the word in a joyous fun way!  And reminding yourself that the blessings of Abraham are yours.  The rest of the songs on the CD are just as great. Cancer was healed as Len sang “The Healing Song” in Michigan.  The title song is Len’s testimony of how Jesus set him “free in the name of Jesus.”  He wrote it in his office one day. He had the lyrics, but was searching his spirit for the melody. A bird flew onto a branch outside his window and whistled the first eight notes!  Lol!  Wow, God is so amazing.  The rest of the melody unfolded from there.  The song “Name Above All Names” is a prophecy the Lord gave to Chuck Girard. Very powerful!  These songs and six more make it a classic for any music library.  Prepare to be blessed by this special collection of songs.

In the person of Jesus Christ is freedom and deliverance from the grip of all human unhappiness.  In His name alone is salvation,  healing, victory, peace and the power to persevere and WIN in the face of life’s overwhelming circumstances.  It’s all here for you in the name of Jesus.

CLICK HERE  to purchase Len’s FREE IN THE NAME CD.

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