
“When I saw for the first time by the word of God that sickness was NOT the WILL of GOD, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil.”

Where did Lake see this for the first time?

Perhaps it was Isaiah 53:5. “But, He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed.”

Perhaps it was 1 Peter 2:24. “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness; by whose stripes, ye were healed.”

But your key to the healing of your body – no matter what the diagnosis, is found in Lake’s words, “…everything in me rose up to defeat the will of the devil.” Sickness is  NOT God’s will. Sickness is brought by the devil. (John 10:10- ” The thief cometh to steal kill and destroy… but I, Jesus, have come that they might have life more abundantly.”}

Meditate on these truths!

Rise up out of an apathetic, victim, helpless mentality.  Stop exalting the doctors words above the words of God.  Stand and shout that you will no longer tolerate sickness in your body. Come against it with everything in you – with dogged determination to live in Health and Strength.  Rebuke pain and command it to leave your body in Jesus mighty Name.  Thank God with joy that by Jesus stripes you already were healed (past tense) so that you are FREE NOW!

Never turn back to acceptance of affliction.  Move forward acting on the facts of the WORD, doing what you couldn’t do before!  Do you know what you will get?

RESULTS, Glory to God!

2019- The Year of Results!

Love, Cathy

More resources available…

Pocket size healing scripture cards!

Healing Praise on audio!


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